florence nightingale hastanesi azmi hamzaoğlu / Prof. Dr. Azmi HAMZAOĞLU | Ortopedist

Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Azmi Hamzaoğlu

florence nightingale hastanesi azmi hamzaoğlu

PRof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoğlu Kimdir?

PRof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoğlu Kimdir?

Profesor Dr. Azmi HAMZAOĞLU

11 şubat yılında Sinop Ayancık'ta doğdu.

ilk ve ortaokulu Ayancık'ta okudu. Kabataş erkek lisesini birincilikle bitirdi.

- yılları arasında istanbul Tıp Fakültesi'ni bitirdi.

yılında doktor oldu.

Yılı Mayıs ayında i.Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği'nde asistanlığa başladı.

- yılları arasında i.Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi'nde uzmanlık eğitimi gördü.

yılında Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji uzmanı oldu.

yılları arasında eş durumundan istinye Devlet Hastanesi'nde mecburi hizmetini yaptı.

O dönem istinye Devlet Hastanesi'nde ortopedi kliniğini kurdu.

istanbul Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji bölümünde akademik kariyer yaptı ve yılı ekim ayında doçent oldu.

yılı Aralık ayında ABD'ye çalışmaya gitti.

Omurga Cerrahisinde dünyanın en iyisi kabul edilen ABD Minnesota Omurga Cerrahisi merkezinde iki yıl çalıştı.

Yılında japonya'ya seafoodplus.infosity of Hokkaido'da çalıştı.

- yılları arasında Florence Nightingale Hastanesi'nde çalışmaya başladı.

yılında profösör oldu.

yılından sonra Florance Nightingale Hastanesi'nde tam zamanlı olarak çalışmaya başladı. Burada hem ortopedi kliniğini, hem de Türkiye'Nin ilk omurga cerrahisi merkezini kurdu.

yılında Kadir Has Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği'nin rektörü seafoodplus.info kürsü başkanı.

Dünyanın sayılı uzmanlarından biri olan Hamzaoğlu babasının zoruyla girdiği Tıp Fakültesi'nde ilk iki yıl derslerini asıp ikmale kaldı. Daha sonra babasının ciddileşen tavrı nedeni ile 3 sınıfta çalışmaya başladı. Sonra da kimse onu durduramadı. Çocukluk arkadaşlarından birinin ortopedik sorunundan dolayı Ortopedi bölümünü seçti. Dünyanın sayılı uzmanlarından biri olmasına rağmen babası "Kırık çıkıkçı Melek Hanım'da aynı işi yapıyor." diyerek sitem etti hatta tam 2 yıl onunla konuşmadı.

'de rahatsızlanan ve hiç yürüyemeyecek hale gelen efsane futbolcu Lefter Küçükandonyadis'i tedavi için Aziz Yıldırım ABD'ye göndermek istediyse de o Prof. Hamzaoğlu'na tedavi olmak istedi. 9 saat süren bir ameliyattan sonra tamamen yürüyecek hale geldi.

Prof. Hamzaoğlu Mesut Yılmaz'ın eşi Berna Yılmaz ve Tüsiad Başkanı Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ'ı da ameliyat etmişti.

seafoodplus.info Azmi Hamzaoğlu haftada saat çalışıyor. Bu günde ortalama 16 saate denk gelir. iki yıldır doktorlar alanında vergi rekortmeni. Bu yıl da 1 milyon 36 bin 77 lira vergi ödeyerek vergi rekortmeni oldu.

SGT- Eylül 04 · Yazar Adı: Sinop Ünlüleri· Yazd&#;rOkunma :

Prof. Dr. Azmi HAMZAOĞLU

Genel Bilgi ve Tanıtım

Prof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoğlu, yılında Sinop'ta dünyaya geldi. yılında Kabataş Erkek Lisesinden mezun oldu. İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesinden yılında mezun oldu ve ayni yıl İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji bölümünde ihtisasa başladı. yılında Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji uzmanı, yılında doçent ve yılında profesör olduğu İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji ABD 'da yılına kadar görev yaptı. Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde () ve Japonya'da () özellikle omurga cerrahisi alanında çalışmalarını sürdürdü. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoğlu, halen kurucusu olduğu 'İstanbul Skolyoz ve Omurga Merkezi' ve Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji departmanı şefliğini sürdürmektedir.

İlgi Alanları

Omurga Cerrahisi


- İstanbul Üniversitesi - İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi – -
- İstanbul Üniversitesi - İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi – Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji ABD – –
- Minnesota Spine Center, -
- Sapparo, Japan, (seafoodplus.infoi Kaneda)

Kongre Başkanlıkları ve İdari Görevler

  • - The Second International Congress on Spine Surgery, (Vice President), Turkey,
  • - G.I.C.D. Europe Meeting, Istanbul – Turkey,
  • - 1 st Bosphorus Spine Meeting (Vice President), Istanbul - Turkey,
  • - 2nd Bosphorus Spine Meeting (Vice President), Istanbul - Turkey,
  • - 3 rd Bosphorus Spine Meeting (Vice President), Istanbul - Turkey,
  • - Middle – Ist Spine Meeting (Vice President), Istanbul -  Turkey,
  • - SRS Regional Course European and Middle East Meeting, Istanbul - Turkey,
  • - SRS International Affairs Committee,

Kurs ve Kongre Katılımları

  • - 26th SRS Meeting in Minneapolis, U.S.A., 
  • - GICD Meeting in Minneapolis, U.S.A.,
  • - 27th SRS Meeting in Kansas, U.S.A.,
  • - The Second International Congress on Spine Surgery (as the Vice President) in Turkey, September ,
  • - GICD and ESDS Meeting in Lyon, France,
  • - 28th SRS Meeting in Dublin, Ireland,
  • - 60th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Fransisco, U.S.A., February ,
  • - GICD and SICOT Meeting in Seoul,
  • - WPOA Meeting in Taipei, (Lecturer on spine Tbc)
  • - 29th SRS Meeting, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.,
  • - ESDS Meeting in Birmingham, U.K. ,
  • - 30th SRS Meeting, Asheville, U.S.A.,
  • - WPOA Meeting in Hong Kong,
  • - The 2nd Advanced Meeting on Spine Surgery, Curacao, Caribbean,
  • - The 3rd Advanced Meeting on Spine Surgery, Munich, Germany,
  • - Eurospine Meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, (Lecturer on  “Pseudoarthrosis in Spine Surgery” in GICD Meeting, )
  • - 31st SRS Meeting, Ottawa, Canada,
  • - 2nd Central European GICD Forum, Pecs, Hungary,
  • - 32nd SRS Meeting, St. Louis, U.S.A.,
  • - 33rd SRS Meeting, New York, U.S.A.,
  • - 34th SRS Meeting, San Diego, U.S.A.,
  • - 7th IMAST, Barcelona, Spain,
  • - 35th SRS Meeting, Australia,
  • - 8th IMAST, Bahamas,
  • - 36th SRS Meeting, Cleveland, U.S.A.,
  • - 1 st International Spine Symposium, Utah, U.S.A.,
  • - 1 st Bosphorus Spine Meeting (as the Vice President), Istanbul, Turkey,
  • - 37th SRS Meeting, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.,
  • - 9th IMAST, Montreux, Switzerland,
  • - 2 nd International Spine Symposium, Madrid, Spain,
  • - 30 th Annual Meeting of CSRS, Miami, U.S.A.,
  • - 6 th International Argos Symposium, Paris, France,
  • - 2nd Bosphorus Spine Meeting (as the Vice President), Istanbul, Turkey,
  • - 38th SRS Meeting, Quebec City, Canada,
  • - 10th IMAST, Rome, Italy,
  • - 39th SRS Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
  • - 3 rd International Spine Symposium, Athens, Greece,
  • - 3 rd Bosphorus Spine Meeting (as the Vice President), Istanbul, Turkey,
  • - Spine Surgery: Today & Tomorrow. Jordan Valley Marriott Resort – Dead Sea – Jordan 20 – 22 December
  • - Middle – East Spine Meeting, (as the Vice President) Istanbul, Turkey,
  • - 2nd International Workshop in Advanced Techniques for Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Seoul, 6 November
  • - 9th International ARGOS Symposium “Pitfalls in Spinal Metastasis”, Paris, France, January
  • - 7th International Congress On Spine, Antalya, Turkey, April
  • - Eurospine , Barcelona, Spain, September
  • - SRS regional meeting (as the President), İstanbul, Turkey, May
  • - 13th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Athens, Greece July
  • - Eurospine , Istanbul, October
  • - International 25th Jubilee Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic Spine Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques, Zurich, January
  • - Polish Spine Society Congress, Poznan, May
  • - World Spine IV: The Fourth Interdisciplinary Congress On Spine Care, Istanbul, 29 July - 1 August
  • - Scoliosis Research Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, September
  • - 1st IGASS Forum, “New trends in treatment of idiopathic scoliosis”, Brussels, 2 October
    Eurospine Congress, Brussels, October
  • - 5th Panarab Spine Congress, Tunis, October
  • - 2nd IGASS Forum, “Aging Spine and Adjacent Level after Surgery”, Geneva, 25 May
  • - Spineweek , Geneva, May
  • - 8th International Turkish Spine Congress, Izmir, October ,
  • - 3rd International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine (ICEOS) Istanbul,Turkey,  November ,
  • - IGASS Forum “Complex Deformity” Istanbul Turkey, May ,
  • - 45th SRS Annual Meeting and Premeeting Course, Kyoto, Japan, September ,
  • - 9th International Turkish Spine Congress, Istanbul, Turkey April ,
  • - 27th Annual Meeting European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, Istanbul, Turkey, June ,
  • - Scoliosis Research Society 46th Annual Meeting and Premeeting Course,, Kentucky, Louville, USA,  September 17,
  • - Eurospine Congress, Milano, October
  • - 19th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Istanbul,Turkey, July ,
  • - Scoliosis Research Society 47th Annual Meeting and Premeeting Course, Chicago, IL, USA,  September 5- 8,
  • - Scoliosis Research Society Worldwide Congress, Tel-Aviv,Israel, October ,
  • - Scoliosis Research Society Worldwide Congress, Vietnam, December ,
  • - 4th KSU Pediatric Orthopedic Symposium, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia April ,


  • - İstanbul Üniversitesi - İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi – Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji ABD – Araştırma Görevlisi –
  • - İstanbul Üniversitesi - İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi – Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji ABD – Doçent Doktor –
  • - İstanbul Üniversitesi - İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi – Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji ABD – Profesör Doktor –
  • - İstanbul Skolyoz ve Omurga Merkezi / Florence Nightingale Şişli Hastanesi – Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Departmanı – Klinik Şefi –


Uluslararası Kitap Bölümü:

Hamzaoglu A. Granulomatous Infections of the Spine. In: Floman Y., editor. Spine State Of The Art Reviews. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus INC. ,

Uluslararası Basılı Yayınlar:

1. Tozun R., Hamzaoglu A., Pinar H., Seyhan F.: Complete subtalar release in club-feet. J. of Foot Surgery 29(5): ,

2. Hamzaoglu A., Aydinok HC., Pinar H., Asik M., Cakmak M.: Open traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip. A case report. Arch. Othop. Traum. Surg. 1(6): ,

3. Tozun R., Pinar H., Yesiller E., Hamzaoglu A.: Indomethacin for prevention of heterotopic ossification after total hip arthroplasty. J of Arthroplasty, 7(1): ,

4. Hamzaoglu A., Domanic U., Sar C., Talu U., Eralp L.: Treatment of spinal cord compression secondary to the deformity of the spine. 10th GICD International Congress, Seoul, Sauramps Medical, pp. ,

5. Hamzaoglu A., Sar C., Talu U., Eralp L, Basturk S.: Problems in the diagnosis and surgical treatment for King Type V idiopathic scoliosis and a new classification for King Type V curves. 10th GICD International Congress, Seoul, Sauramps Medical, pp. ,

6. Gogus A., Sengun M., Talu U., Hamzaoglu A.: Combined anterior-posterior convex growth arrest for congenital scoliosis in young children. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 9(4):

7. Sar C., Hamzaoglu A., Talu U., Domanic U.: An anterior approach to the cervicothoracic junction of the spine (modified osteotomy of manubrium sterni and clavicle). Journal of Spinal Disorders 12(2):

8. Hamzaoglu A.: Granulomalous infections of the spine. In State of the Art Reviews, Spinal Infections: Ed: Yizhar Floman. 13(1): ,

9. Talu U., Sirvancı M., Sengun M., Gogus A., Hamzaoglu A.: Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 10(1)

Sar C., Talu U., Hamzaoglu A., Domanic U.: Three stage (posteroanteroposterior) reduction of late untreated distractive flexion injuries of the lower cervical spine. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 10(2):

Gogus A., Talu U., Hamzaoglu A.: One-stage surgical correction of congenital thoracic lordosis – Report fo two cases- Acta Orthop Scand ; 72(4):

Gogus A., Talu U., Sar C., Hamzaoglu A., Eralp L.: Results of anterior instrumentation for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Int Orthop. ;25(5)

Unal M, Demirsoy E, Gogus A, Arbatli H, Hamzaoglu A, Sonmez B. Acute aortic valve regurgitation secondary to blunt chest seafoodplus.info Heart Inst J. ;28(4)

Akpinar S, Gogus A, Talu U, Hamzaoglu A, Dikici F. Surgical management of      the spinal deformity in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VI. Eur Spine J.          Apr;12(2) Epub Dec 20

Akman S, Talu U, Gogus A, Guden M, Sirvanci M, Hamzaoglu A. Vertebral osteomyelitis after cardiac seafoodplus.info Thorac Surg. Apr;75(4)

Akman S, Sirvanci M, Talu U, Gogus A, Hamzaoglu A. Magnetic resonance imaging of tuberculous spondylitis. Orthopedics. Jan;26(1)

Unsal Domanic, Ufuk Talu , Fatih Dikici , Azmi Hamzaoglu.: Surgical correction of kyphosis. Posterior total wedge resection osteotomy in 32 patients. Acta Orthopaedica, Scandinavica Volume 75, Number 4 / August , –

Kabak Ş, Tezer M, Debre M, Talu U, Hamzaoğlu A. Results of Surgical     Treatment for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. Spine ,15th November

Tezer M, Kuzgun U, Hamzaoglu A, Ozturk C, Kabukcuoglu F, Sirvanci M. Intraspinal metalloma resulting in late paraparesis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg ,

Tezer M, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Mirzanli C, Talu U, Hamzaoglu A. Surgical outcome of thoracolumbar burst fractures with flexion-distraction injury of the posterior elements. Int Orthop ,

Karaeminogullari O, Tezer M, Ozturk C, Bilen FE, Talu U, Hamzaoglu A. Radiological analysis of titanium mesh cages used after corpectomy in the thoracic and lumbar spine: Minimum 3 years’ follow-up. Acta Orthop Belg ,

Ozturk C, Tezer M, Sirvanci M, Sarier M, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Far lateral thoracic disc herniation presenting with flank pain. Spine J 6: ,

Tezer M, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Camurdan K, Erturer E, Hamzaoglu A. Noncontiguous dual segment thoracic brucellosis with neurological deficit. Spine J 6: ,

Ozturk C, Tezer M, Mirzanli C, Bilen FE, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. An unusual cause of paraplegia: salmonella spondylodiskitis. J Spinal Cord Med 29 (3): ,

Tezer M, Orhan Z, Ozturk C, Sarier M, Hamzaoglu A. Cervical brucellosis mimicking cervical disc herniation. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol ,

Ozturk C, Tezer M, Aydogan M, Sarier M, Hamzaoglu A. Posterior endoscopic discectomy for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Acta Orthop Belg ,

Talu U, Gogus A, Ozturk C, Hamzaoglu A, Domanic U. The role of posterior instrumentation and fusion after anterior radical debridement and fusion in the surgical treatment of spinal tuberculosis: Experience of cases. J Spinal Disord Tech 19 (8): ,

Tezer M, Erturer E, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Symptomatic polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the thoracic spine. Joint Bone Spine ,

Tezer M, Ozturk C, Erturer E, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Bilateral L5 radiculopathy due to osteoporotic L1 vertebral fracture : A case report. J Spinal Cord Med ,

Gogus A, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Camurdan K, Hamzaoglu A. Sandwich technique in the surgical treatment of primary complex fractures of the femur and humerus. Int Orthop ,

Ozturk C, Tezer M, Aydogan M, Sarier M, Hamzaoglu A. Thoracic spinal stenosis above severe thoracolumbar kyphosis. A report of three cases. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol ,

Ozturk C, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Solitary osteochondroma of the cervical spine causing spinal cord compression. Acta Orthop Belg ,

Aydogan M, Ozturk C, Mirzanli C, Karatoprak O, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Treatment approach in tandem (concurrent) cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis. Acta Orthop Belg ,

Hamzaoglu A, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Aydogan M, Sarier M, Talu U. Simultaneous surgical treatment in congenital scoliosis and/or kyphosis associated with intraspinal abnormalities. Spine 32 (25): ,

Aydogan M, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Mirzanli C, Karatoprak O, Hamzaoglu A. Posterior vertebrectomy in kyphosis, scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis due to hemivertebra. J Pediatr Orthop B ,

Aydogan M, Karatoprak O, Mirzanli C, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Severe erosion of lumbar vertebral body because of a chronic ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Spine J 8: ,

Coskun D, Aytac J, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Five-year surveillance of nosocomial infections following orthopedic surgery in a private medical center. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol ,

Hamzaoglu A, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Tezer M, Aksu N, Bruno MB. Posterior only pedicle screw instrumentation with intraoperative halo-femoral traction in the surgical treatment of severe scoliosis (>). Spine 33 (9): ,

Sirvanci M, Bhatia M, Ganiyusufoglu KA, Duran C, Tezer M, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis: correlation with Oswestry Disability Index and MR imaging. Eur Spine J ,

Gogus A, Ozturk C, Sirvanci M, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Femoral nerve palsy due to iliacus hematoma occurred after primary total hip arthroplasty. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg ,

Mirzanli C, Ozturk C, Karatoprak O, Aydogan M, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Double-segment total vertebrectomy for the surgical treatment of congenital kyphoscoliosis: a case report. Spine J 8: ,

Ganiyusufoglu K, Ozturk C, Sirvanci M, Aksu N, Hamzaoglu A. Pseudomeningocele in communication with the facet joint: demonstration by computerized tomography-arthrography. Skeletal Radiol ,

Karatoprak O, Camurdan K, Ozturk C, Ganiyusufoglu K, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Multiple-level cement vertebroplasty in patients with vertebral compression fractures from osteodystrophy in chronic liver disease. Acta Orthop Belg ,

Ozturk C, Tezer M, Karatoprak O, Hamzaoglu A. A rare cause of neuromuscular scoliosis: Alexander disese. Joint Bone Spine ,

Ozturk C, Tezer M, Karatoprak O, Hamzaoglu A. Une etiologie rare de scoliose neuromusculaire: la maladie d’Alexander. Revue de Rhumatisme ,

Aydogan M, Ozturk C, Karatoprak O, Tezer M, Aksu N, Hamzaoglu A. The pedicle screw fixation with vertebroplasty augmentation in the surgical treatment of the severe osteoporotic spines. J Spinal Disord Tech ,

Ganiyusufoglu KA, Ayalp K, Ozturk C, Sakallioglu U, Ozer O. Intraosseous leiomyoma in a rib. A case report. Acta Orthop Belg ,

Ozturk C, Mirzanli C, Karatoprak O, Tezer M, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Giant sacral schwannoma. A case report and review of the literature. Acta Orthop Belg ,

Ozturk C, Karadereler S, Ornek I, Enercan M, Ganiyusufoglu K, Hamzaoglu A. The role of routine magnetic resonance imaging in the preoperative evaluation of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Int Orthop ,

Ozturk C, Ganiyusufoglu K, Alanay A, Aydogan M, Onat L, Hamzaoglu A. Efficacy of prophylactic placement of inferior vena cava filter in patients undergoing spinal surgery. Spine 35 (20): ,

Hamzaoglu A, Alanay A, Ozturk C, Sarier M, Karadereler S, Ganiyusufoglu K. Posterior vertebral column resection in severe spinal deformities. A total of cases. Spine 36 (5): EE,

Kara B, Celik A, Karadereler S, Ulusoy L, Ganiyusufoglu K, Onat L, Mutlu A, Ornek I, Sirvanci M, Hamzaoglu A. The role of DTI in early detection of cervical spondylotic myelopathy: a preliminary study with 3-T MRI. Neuroradiology. 53 (8) : ,

Avascular necrosis of the femoral head after hip arthroscopy. Sener N, Gogus A, Akman S, Hamzaoglu A. Hip Int Sep-Oct; 21(5)

Ozturk C, Alanay A, Ganiyusufoglu K, Karadereler S, Ulusoy L, Hamzaoglu A. Short Term X-Ray Results of Posterior Vertebral Column Resection in Severe Congenital Kyphosis, Scoliosis and Kyphoscoliosis. Spine Oct

Aydogan M, Enercan M, Hamzaoglu A, Alanay A. Reconstruction of the subaxial cervical spine using lateral mass and facet screw instrumentation. Spine Mar 37 (5) : E,

Enercan M, Ozturk C, Kahraman S, Sarıer M, Hamzaoglu A, Alanay A. Osteotomies/spinal column resections in adult deformity. Eur Spine J. Mar(22)Suppl

Konu: Skolyoz için Azmi Hamzaoğlu'na gittim..?

Boyun Fıtığı ve Boyunda Daralma
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Şahsi Yorumum
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Size uzun uzun ne hastası olduğunuzu anlatacak sizi motive edecek insanlara hizmet etmeyi sevdiği için hekim olmuş birine gidin.
Bu arada çok dikkat edin medyaya çıkmamış olsun .
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