how to be street smart in relationships / 13 Signs You Have Street Smarts & Stay Aware Of Your Surroundings

how to be street smart in relationships

how to be street smart in relationships

Most personal growth, love relationships, and self-help books are designed to appeal to women. If you're looking angry, it isn't because you're a bad ass - bad asses don't listen to music or text on the phone. Your body language communicates a lot, and street smart people know this fact. This ancient wisdom connotes that how you dress defines who you are. Learn to cultivate, nurture and protect your reputation. Even if you don't blend in skin-color or clothes-wise, simply not scanning can be so confusing a signal to potential harassers that they'll steer clear of you, because people are afraid of things they find confusing and unexpected - better safe than sorry, goes the rule How are ratings calculated?

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