Chaste Dating / What Is Chastity and How Can I Be Chaste?

Chaste Dating

Chaste Dating

If your parents aren't home, for example, you'll be tempted to be alone. Chastity is a part of yourself that communicates itself to others in your daily words and actions. And we can have the constant influence of the Holy Ghost that guides, warns, comforts, and encourages us along the path back to our heavenly home. Author Pat Driscoll defines chastity as sexual goodness living out the truth, beauty, and goodness of human sexuality. The kisses and caresses I sought, the heights of sexual excitement that I pursued — all served to camouflage the emptiness I felt inside. The conversation went like this: Jason : What do you have in mind? Having a chaste dating experience means both persons are interested in making sure the relationship develops without having sexually-related things happen.

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