what is dating ultrasound / Pregnancy Dating - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

what is dating ultrasound

what is dating ultrasound

For further details on handling user data, see our Privacy Policy. Research suggests that there are no known risks to our method of ultrasound scanning. The gel that we use is water-soluble so it does not stain your clothes. You will receive a text message within 24 hours of your appointment with a link to access your images through our online portal. It is only natural to be curious and concerned about pregnancy and early pregnancy scans can give you peace of mind. The technician will put a warm gel on your abdomen and use a scanning device to get the ultrasound images. If your cycle is irregular, or you've recently been on the pill, working out your due date from your LMP might not work, which is why a dating scan is a better tool Van den Hof

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