Interactive Animation: Relative Geologic Dating / Unit 5: Geologic History (The Geologic Timeline, Relative and Absolute Dating Methods) February

Interactive Animation: Relative Geologic Dating

Interactive Animation: Relative Geologic Dating

The photo shows layers of rock on top of one another in order, from the oldest at the bottom to the youngest at the top, based on the principle of superposition. Unconformities are discussed in the next section. Related content This activity is part of our collection on dating the past. Another example is mammoth skin and hair preserved in post- glacial deposits in the Arctic regions. If sufficient individuals in a population fail to surmount the challenges of the environment and the population cannot produce enough viable offspring, the species becomes extinct. Guide to rock dating chap 4. Principle of faunal succession Specific groups of animals have followed, or succeeded, one another in a definite sequen

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