hidra & saki kabus / Çukur Bölüm : Kabus - Hidra Feat. Saki

Hidra & Saki Kabus

hidra & saki kabus

Kabus - Hidra Feat. Saki

Senaryosunu Gökhan Horzum'un kaleme aldığı Çukur'un yönetmenliğini Sinan Öztürk üstleniyor. Çukur'da Aras Bulut İynemli, Barış Arduç, Perihan Savaş, Nur Sürer, Mustafa Avkıran, Erkan Kolçak Köstendil, Rıza Kocaoğlu, Öner Erkan, Necip Memili, Damla Sönmez, Berkay Ateş, Cihangir Ceyhan, Kubilay Aka, Hazal Subaşı, Burak Dakak, Hare Sürel, Kadir Çermik, İrem Sak, İrem Altuğ, Boncuk Yılmaz, Mustafa Kırantepe, Ece Yaşar, Cem Uslu, Aytaç Uşun, Ferit Kaya, İlkay Akdağlı ve Çağrı Atakan oynuyor.

Koçovalılar’ın düşmanları bitmiyor! Koçovalılar ile Erdenetler arasındaki mücadele çok daha çetinleşirken Çukur'un dördüncü sezonunda büyük merakla beklenen Cengiz Erdenet’in ipleri eline alması oyunun kurallarını tamamen değiştirecek.

Lyrics of Kabus - Hidra, Saki

Reversing difficult fate Don't feed all this to yourself. Dozens of rodents in pursuit And suddenly, you were away from your home They took everything away That's why it doesn't move A scream from the deep It's about the moment, you're crazy now And one day they come to their dreams There is patience but it is not made of steel That you buried the past, the future, everything in your heart self-serving Knowing your troubles in the neighborhood While your loved ones are still alive These streets have ripped off your conscience now When your mercy is like an avalanche You're crazy too when everyone else is crazy When you try to love yourself again While walking a road full of betrayal And while your heart rots like a stone (ah) Even if you fall, get up, stand up again Even if arrows come to your heart And even if you lose, have fortitude Revenge owed to history Your pain grows you Think blackly, the language of the nights is dissolved The life that bury you in this hole He can give you back what he has, yes dead or alive As the world turns from greed Your brother shoots you in the back All whistles subject to silence Your destiny has caught you Turning our troubles into a corner piss in our veins Getting used to all the losing And to provoke those we love but revenge will be taken Those who think they are on the way will be wrong Don't bother hugging the dark We can find the sun, we'll all be purified Anyone who loses will win Will succeed in overcoming these nightmares But until that happens, I'm sorry mom, terrible things will happen. Being deprived of living in poverty, they deceived us We thought we had a secret, but they told this secret to everyone. Your looted crazy heart I can't survive, you buried me You look back put out the fire Because your nightmare is back today Let the vultures turn to carrion divide your lungs into five You saw yourself in the mirror for the last time Because your nightmare is back today Your nightmare is back today Your nightmare is back today Your nightmare is back today Your nightmare is back today Your nightmare is back today Your nightmare is back today Your nightmare is back today Boom!


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