ingilizcede dirsek ne demek / DIRSEK DIRSEĞE ne Demek Ingilizce - Ingilizce Çeviri

Ingilizcede Dirsek Ne Demek

ingilizcede dirsek ne demek

İngilizcede elbow'ın anlamı

Both sisters have similar skeletal features, including mild shortening of the arms, double joints of elbows, with an extra flexion crease and small hands.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

There is the same pace of argument, the same stylish footwork, the same skilful use of the elbows.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Another one28 uses a locomotion of the earthworm type and is formed by rubber elbows.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Their arms are placed in the following position: forearms neutral, 2 elbows flexed to about radians and shoulders slightly abducted and flexed.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

He sat with his pencil, elbows on the table, head resting in his hands, not saying a word.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

The patients were assessed at the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips and knees and a global score was obtained by addition.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

One of the boys performs robot-like jerky motions with his arms, on the side of his body, alternatively moving up and down from the elbows.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

Frequently thwarted and elbowed out of the limelight as they were by these same media, historians often found it difficult to gain a hearing with public opinion.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

The lesions typically develop on the fingers, hands, knees, and elbows, a result of exposure of the wounds at these sites to the bacteria in water.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

The present certifying surgeons run the risk of being elbowed out for another class of medical men.

Hansard archive

I am delighted that they succeeded, and more strength to their elbows in the future.

Hansard archive

We generally have a lawyer at our elbows when important agreements are being made.

Hansard archive


elbow'a dair bütün örnekleri gör

Örneklerdeki görüşler Cambridge Dictionary'nin editörlerinin, Cambridge University Press'in ya da lisans sağlayıcılarıın görüşlerini temsil etmez.

dirsek İngilizcesi nedir yazılışı

Türkçe İngilizce SözlükTürkçe İngilizce Sözlük

İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.


Aranan Kelime: dirsek

Bulunan Sonuç: 4


elbow. bend. bracket. ancon. angle. cubitus. flexion. olecranon.


bracket. console. crank. elbow. bend.


bend. crank. elbow. hand. turn. pend pipe. angle bracket. angle. outrigger. shoulder. stove pipe. offset. support. cantilever. console. cam. knee. prop. crook. flexion.

Limasollu Naci Eğitim YayınlarıLimasollu Naci Eğitim Yayınları


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