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Jago is ugly and menacing Jago's description It means "ugly" - Jago about his nickname "Feo" You are so fucking ugly. As Scully of The X-Files says of the two scientists in "War of the Coprophages" who walk off into the sunrise together: "Smart is sexy". Played completely and utterly straight with Ricardo Fellini , who almost hooked a date with a Victory Gundam model kit. Not a few pages later, he runs into said first love. This was the pre- Crisis origin, it makes less sense with the latter versions who seem to always have been mean. Oh Dae-su and Mi-Do in Oldboy An early episode has Nancy explain their marriage as that of a very young woman seeking comfort and respectability through a marriage to an older, mediocre man from a good family and a six figure salary; the discrepancy in their appearance gets broader as the series goes on and her look gets Hotter and Sexier with more skin showing, brighter colors and lipstick, and blonder hair.

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