dating a railroader / Gilded Rails — Speed dating for the railroad robber baron! - Announcements - Choice of Games Forum

dating a railroader

dating a railroader

I had to get them off to school in the morning, usually before he even got out of bed, and every day he was working they were in bed before he was home from work. Having a set day off did help eleviate some of these issues, so we could do some planning. Your cars appear to be 36'-ers, which would have been in service in the '50s, as most packing houses had their doors spaced for 36' cars. The only people in my family that have stayed together through thick and thin were my great grandparents 60 years together. Member since July From: Colorful Colorado posts. I miss weekends at the lake, weekends camping, or weekend getaways to the nearest town. Latest Profile.

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