date the britannica encyclopedia website wa smade / The Strange Case of Booker T. Washington's Birthday

date the britannica encyclopedia website wa smade

date the britannica encyclopedia website wa smade

The strict word limit was softened to allow articles of medium length, such as Internet , which almost fills one page. One part retained the company name and developed the print version, and the other, Britannica. The Iowa Highways Page: Now exclusively at www. While the sixth volume of the fifth edition was being printed, Constable became owner of Britannica, as well as Bonar's third edition supplements. A page appendix, written in , is found at the end of Vol. Unlike the 15th edition, it did not contain Macro- and Micropedia sections, but ran A through Z as all editions up to the 14th had. Large blocks of text were carried over, line-by-line, unchanged in their typesetting, with some minor editing here and there.

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