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Ежедневный Прогноз Форекс Бес

ежедневный прогноз форекс бес

The Perfect Healthy Spring Pasta Primavera!

Perfect Healthy Spring Primavera

Having survived my first brutal winter in NYC, in , I remember being so relieved when the magnolia tree outside my window started blooming its deep pink blossoms. I was a single girl in NYC living in the West Village. I had very little money, and I was happy when I had a date for dinner and he took me to a very fancy Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side. The restaurant was Parioli Romanissimo. I remember perusing the menu and noticing so many pastas that I had never seen before. I decided to order the pasta primavera. It was spring and I wanted to taste it on my fork.

It was angel hair pasta back then which is traditional for a primavera. I loved every morsel; and I went home and tried to recreate it in my tiny kitchen. I still make this dish today and I use whole-wheat pasta, which is healthier for you. I add spring peas, asparagus, mushrooms, sage, and lemon zest for the perfect healthy spring pasta primavera!  I hope you will try it and let me know how it goes.

Perfect Healthy Spring Primavera

Perfect Healthy Spring Primavera

I am also happy to share ready-to-go recipes for dips and spreads–with tips on shopping, storage, presentation, variations, seasonal flavors, professional techniques.– These are vividly set off by color photographs and a cutting-edge look. Click here to get your free e-book.

Spring Pasta PrimaveraSpring Pasta Primavera

Print RecipeSpring Pasta Primavera

Servings: 4people

  • 1 pint baby bella mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 pound whole wheat penne
  • 1 bunch asparagus, cut into thirds
  • 1 lemon, zested and juiced
  • 6 ounces fresh English peas
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • ¾ cup vegetable or chicken stock
  • ¼ cup shaved Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Salt and pepper
  • Bring a pot of salted water to a boil on medium heat.

  • Heat 1 tablespoon of butter in a large sautée pan on high heat, add mushrooms, salt, cook until golden brown about minutes.

  • Add garlic & sage, season with salt and pepper, cook for another minute. Reserve in a bowl.

  • Drop pasta into boiling water. Cook for minutes, or until al dente.

  • While the pasta is cooking, in the same sautée pan, add 1 tablespoon of butter and sautée asparagus for minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and lemon zest.

  • Add peas, and cook for 2 more minutes. Add mushroom mixture, lemon juice, and stock, reduce for 2 minutes.

  • Drain the pasta and add it to the pan along with some of the shaved Parmigiano Reggiano. Stir well. Taste and season with salt and pepper, if needed.

  • Plate and garnish with lemon zest, and the rest of the shaved Parmigiano Reggiano.

Hi friends! Hope your week is off to a great start! We have some lovely inspiration for you today from design team member, Jessy. She is using the new and exclusive project pads from Joann Stores for her bible journaling! Read on for all the details & find links to the products at the end of the post!

Whenever I get to journal in my bible, it is something that I love to invest my time on! And I&#;m so glad that I could use these new beautiful project pads from the Flourish & Sunny Days collection. With the verse Romans in mind, I took my journaling bible out and started to create a page out of the verse. Choosing a verse first certainly helps to speed things up and also keeps me focused on what I want to create.

What is Creative Bible Journaling? Find out how to do bible journaling and see cute simple bible journaling ideas with Maggie Holmes Sunny Days and Flourish!

How to Create This Simple Bible Journaling Idea:

  1. This cute page is relatively simple to create. To begin, I picked a tag and added the stickers to form the words &#;love genuinely&#;.
  2. Next, I positioned the tag somewhat in the middle and added more stickers all around to enhance the page. I added the beautiful lady sticker to remind myself to love people around me genuinely!
  3. Lastly, to complete the page, I splattered on some gold mist.

How to do Bible Journaling - Simple and Cute Bible Journaling Ideas for Beginners!What is Creative Bible Journaling? Find out how to do bible journaling and see cute simple bible journaling ideas with Maggie Holmes Sunny Days and Flourish!

Ideas and Tips for How to Journal in your Bible:

  • Choose flat embellishments like stickers. This enables my bible to close well and keeps the pages flat too.
  • Add extra details. To make the stickers pop out a little, I lightly traced them with pencil. This gives them an outline and then they stand out more off the page.
  • Use layers. Layering and overlapping the elements a little makes a pretty collage in your bible journal. Just remember to use flat things like stickers, tags and ephemera so it doesn&#;t get too bulky.

What is Bible Journaling? This is a simple and cute bible journaling idea for beginners with instructions and images!

Thank you for letting me share this page from my bible journal! Hope you have a wonderful crafting time journaling in your bible too! xoxo Jessy

Check out More Creative Bible Journaling Ideas:

Bible Journaling Supplies:

2nd Strongest Disabled Man in the World

When I was 16, I joined the British Army. I traveled the world, did a tour in Iraq, was a very keen sportsman and an adventure training instructor. I left the forces after 8 years for a more stable life with my wife and kids.


Adjusting to civilian life was difficult, so I started weight training and quite soon after that I signed up for my first Strongman contest. After that first contest, I was hooked! I loved everything about Strongman from training to competing. I was competing in competitions all across the U.K. at a good level, qualifying for Britain’s Strongest Man in my federation! However, in I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis! I’ve had a number of symptoms from spasms to mobility issues to hand issues. I have Secondary Progressive MS meaning my MS never gets better just progressively worse. I have multiple permanent scars on my spine due to previous attacks. I now suffer from mobility issues meaning I need to use a wheelchair or other mobility aids. This was a huge blow to me, I didn’t know what to think because MS is called a snowflake disability and no 2 cases are the same! All I knew was I wouldn’t be able to compete in the competitions that I loved&#;or so I thought!!

„Dej tam víc třísek. Ty noviny víc zmuchlej. My tam občas foukáme, to pomáhá.“ Poprvé zatápím v kamnech a asistuje mi hned několik lidí. Každý má trochu jiný postup a ten jeho je nejlepší. Do toho mě za rukáv tahají děti. Chaos! Jsem z nich nervózní a posílám je pryč. V kamnech hoří. Hurá! Prvotní úspěch.

Mám z kamen respekt. Trnu, abych včas přiložila, aby se děti nespálily, abych se nespálila já a aby ti moji žrouti měli vůbec co jíst, protože kamna jsou jediným sporákem v chalupě. Tohle bylo měsíc zpět. Teď už mi nikdo neradí.

Studánka v chalupě

„Až půjdeš do studánky, skloň hlavu. Jak pršelo, vylezli slimáci a budeš je mít přímo nad hlavou,“ upozorňuje mě manžel. Brrr! Jestli něco nesnáším, tak slimáky! Studánka je zvláštní místo v chalupě. Kamenná klenba zasazená do svahu, pod kterou je studánka. V dobách stavby chalupy mělo toto místo dvě funkce &#; regulace vlhkosti a zdroj vody. Pro nás funguje jako sklad potravin a lednice, která v chalupě zatím není.

Slimáků mi nad hlavou visí několik, díky světlu v temné místnosti je i zřetelně vidím. Přeju si jen, aby mi nespadl některý z těch slizounů za krk. Prší několik dní v kuse, a tak slimáky máme i všude kolem.

Pivo na slimáka

„Mamka je utopí v pivu,“ radí Martin. „V pivu?“ divím se. Odpoledne sousedka rozvíjí pivní fintu na slimáky: „To vezmete petku, uřežete půlku a zahrabete na úrovni země. Nalijete pivo a do rána jich tam máte utopených tak “ Uf! Vidím to hned v obraze a ten obraz se mi hnusí. Sousedka vyhodnotila můj zkřivený obličej a k mé drobné radosti pokračuje jinou alternativou: „Ale já ho nejčastěji přeříznu vejpůl a on do rána zmizí. Taky si na ně nehodlám zvyknout. Žerou mi kytky!&#; Nejsem si úplně jistá, jak se tvářím teď, ale o nic lepší to nebude. V té chvíli přichází soused a rázně sděluje: „Já je propíchnu a je klid. Jsou přemnožený. Vyhodit je pryč ničemu nepomůže.“ Děkuju všem za rady. Odcházím s myšlenkou, že operace slimák bude moje achillova pata.

Kolega pavouk

„Káji,“ běžím za manželem a sotva popadám dech, „skočil mi obrovskej pavouk &#; tlustej jako prase- přímo na čelo!&#; Vymetala jsem stodolu a jeden křivák mi opravdu skočil témeř do tváře. Od manžela jsem čekala minimálně medaily, protože jsem ani nepípla. Pavouků se nebojím, ale ráda je nemám. Pokud se nějaký větší zatoulal do našeho bytu, volala jsem manžela. V chalupě je jich jasná převaha. Pavučiny &#; vymetené týdny dozadu &#; jsou zpět. Rozhodla jsem se na tyto 8nohé tvory dívat trochu jinak.

Tom a Jerry

„A když najdu myš v ložnici, tak co mám dělat? Honit ji s koštětem? Majznout ji po hlavě?&#; chrlím dotazy na manžela. &#;Nic. Stejně ji nechytneš,&#; odpovídá s klidem. V mé hlavě zní magické slovo &#; kočka. Sousedovic Mikeška mi ukázala, že si s myší výborně poradí. Jednu bez hlavy už přinesla před dveře chalupy. Tak na ni budu spoléhat dál.

Premiéra motorové pily

„Slib mi, že mi zůstanou obě ruce celé,“ říkám úzkostně manželovi. Ten bere novou motorovou pilu opět do rukou. „Věřím ti! Ale mám z toho respekt,“ dodávám. Manžel mi následně pevným hlasem slibuje, že mi nic neuřízne. A jedeme dál. Když jsme začali řezat, sepnul adrenalin a mě ani nanepadlo bát se o prsty. Pak se pila párkrát sekla a manžel mi posunul ruce dál. Adrenalin vystřídal pud sebezáchovy. Od pily jde teplo. Všude létají piliny. I do očí.

Vystoupit ze své komfortní zóny je pro mě adrenalinem a jistou formou sebepoznávání. I tak vím, že některé věci pro mě budou tvrdším oříškem jak jiné.

Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards

The first Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards was held on 23rd October at the Grand Ballroom of Pan Pacific Singapore. I just realized that I have too many photos to write in my usual verbose (some just call it long-winded) full-fledged event coverage style so:

Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards

Like a scrotum here it is in a nutshell! 😉


Registration! Spot Carol (MY), Raine (SG) and Pinky (AU) behind the desk! Hanis (in white) was with me on the bus, thought I went on the wrong one.

jestina rina

Here&#;s Jestina and Rina behind the (very long) registration desk.


This is the Australian contingent at the wall where you can take photos courtesy of Canon.


I always feel (slightly) better about my height when I stand next to Audrey. 😉


I. Must. Resist. Pulling. Audrey&#;s. Tiny. White. Cap. Off.


Tim and Ming with the rest of the Nuffies did a great job in pulling an event of this scale off.


Two Jestinas!


I also met XiaXue who snagged 3 (!!!) awards that night. We don&#;t exactly see eye to eye on some issues e.g. substances, so barbed remarks were occasionally exchanged (to be fair I started it first &#; I think) but seeing her in real life suggests she&#;s an alright person.

The stage is set&#;and the Grand Ballroom slowly fills up.


I love these custom made Nuffnang APAC Blog Award candy &#; it comes with three varients: I (heart) blogging, NN Blog Awards, and the Nuffnang logo.


Cheesie&#;s reaction after I politely put forth the suggestion of using Cheddie as an ingredient in a cooking experiment.

Hot bread rolls and butter

Hot bread rolls and butter

Marinated Smoked Tuna with Feta, Herb Salad and Balsamic Olive Oil

Marinated Smoked Tuna with Feta, Herb Salad and Balsamic Olive Oil

Light Cream of Asparagus and Green Peas topped with a Chive Mousseline

Light Cream of Asparagus and Green Peas topped with a Chive Mousseline

Rosemary Marinated Chicken Breast with Saffron Cheesy Mash Potato and Balsamic Reduction Mediterranean Vegetable in Mango Coriander Salsa Sauce

Rosemary Marinated Chicken Breast with Saffron Cheesy Mash Potato and Balsamic Reduction Mediterranean Vegetable in Mango Coriander Salsa Sauce

Praline Hazelnut Gateau with Raspberry Jelly

Praline Hazelnut Gateau with Raspberry Jelly

Camwhoring with:
















Natalie. The sheer amount of photos here will probably rape your bandwidth&#;


I really like this photo. Haha! Nice pose there, Jestina.

wei zhi

Wei Zhi





cheng leong

Cheng Leong






Doing the attitude pose with Jojo!


It was an awesome night. Here&#;s to Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards ! =D

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Categories Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog AwardsTags event, Nuffnang, nuffnang awards, singapore


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