dating anxiety and adolescent obesity / Adolescent Obesity: A Barrier to Mate Selection? | OMICS International

dating anxiety and adolescent obesity

dating anxiety and adolescent obesity

J Int Neuropsychol Soc. Lastly, there are likely more individuals with undiagnosed mental disorders in the group of individuals without reported mental disorders. Cornette R: The emotional impact of obesity on children. A greater value of the results could be obtained by conducting the study in a larger community and comparing the results in people with obesity and normal body weight. This has been done with the purpose of broadening our scope of information and providing the clinician with relevant findings that are not addressed in RCTs. Stress: Endocrine physiology and pathophysiology. Still, there are studies showing that greater weight by itself is not always directly indicative of greater distress and psychopathology, and that other factors have to be involved.

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