interpersonal / Komunikasi interpersonal - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas



Kesetaraan menciptakan rasa keadilan dan mengurangi perasaan dominasi atau superioritas dari salah satu pihak. Introduced in the first chapter and employed throughout the book, this useful model emphasizes how communication constructs relationships and how relationships in turn encourage or constrain communication practices. Contact Us. Artinya tiap pihak bersedia membuka diri atau membagi informasi tentang dirinya yang biasanya dirahasiakan, dan juga bersedia mendengarkan pesan dari lawan bicara secara terbuka dan merespons dengan jujur. Interpersonal Communication Sarah Trenholm , Arthur Jensen Oxford University Press, Incorporated , - halaman Interpersonal Communication, Fourth Edition, by Sarah Trenholm and Arthur Jensen interweaves current research and theory with the skills needed to communicate effectively in today's complex and diverse "global village.


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