dating ostomy / How do you navigate the dating world with an ostomy? – Comfizz

dating ostomy

dating ostomy

I was petrified that I would no longer have a right to feel comfortable in my own skin and empowered as a woman because especially early days post-surgery, when I looked in the mirror my focal point was always my bag and the things that surrounded it such as my weight loss, bruises, scars and the fact that my ribs were so obvious, and I had no curves or shape to my body. Some people keep their ostomy surgery private, and others prefer to tell anyone who asks. Maybe you aren't ready to have sex right away. Learn more. London Harrah , 29, of California, was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis two years ago. You do what feels right for you and you only. Did it ever make you reconsider our relationship, since I might have problems getting pregnant naturally?

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