she only want to date me for sex / Sex On The First Date - Good or Bad Idea?

she only want to date me for sex

she only want to date me for sex

We don't have magic vaginas, and our breasts don't do any special tricks — well besides the usual, like feed or comfort people. Of course, some people do make decisions about their dating relationships out of fear, but it's disingenuous to ascribe their motives to everyone who makes different choices than you. What if part of having a satisfying relationship involves making peace with not having some of one's needs met - and furthermore, how many of these "needs" we're talking about are not true needs , but only desires? Because at the end of the day it is the deeper connection you want and need for a great and successful relationship. But the way you grow in long-term relationships is by weathering storms. That doesn't mean it will be impossible for you to find interesting people to date, just that it will become increasingly difficult and you may find yourself without a romantic partner for longer and longer stretches of time. Pros and Cons.

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