жидкокристаллические индикаторы википедия / RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller - RepRap

Жидкокристаллические Индикаторы Википедия

жидкокристаллические индикаторы википедия


Test environment: raspios-bullseye-armhf bit system
Supported models: Support Waveshare DSI LCD, DPI LCD, and HDMI LCD capacitive touch screen series.

Software Installation

wget eunic-brussels.eu unzip eunic-brussels.eu cd evdev-right-click-emulation sudo apt install build-essential libevdev2 libevdev-dev cd 'evdev-right-click-emulation' sudo cp 'out/evdev-rce' '/usr/local/bin/' sudo chmod +x '/usr/local/bin/evdev-rce'

Enter the command:

sudo evdev-rce

After running, you can touch and long press to realize the right-click function.

Set IP

sudo usermod -G 'input' -a pi echo 'uinput'


This page tries to describe the flavour of G-codes that the RepRap firmwares use and how they work. The main target is additive fabrication using FFF processes. Codes for print head movements follow the NIST RSNGC G-code standard, so RepRap firmwares are quite usable for CNC milling and similar applications as well. See also on Wikipedia's G-code article.

There are a few different ways to prepare G-code for a printer. One method would be to use a slicing program such as Slic3r, Skeinforge or Cura. These programs import a CAD model, slice it into layers, and output the G-code required to print each layer. Slicers are the easiest way to go from a 3D model to a printed part, however the user sacrifices some flexibility when using them. Another option for G-code generation is to use a lower level library like mecode. Libraries like mecode give you precise control over the tool path, and thus are useful if you have a complex print that is not suitable for naive slicing. The final option is to just write the G-code yourself. This may be the best choice if you just need to run a few test lines while calibrating your printer.

As many different firmwares exist and their developers tend to implement new features without discussing strategies or looking what others did before them, a lot of different sub-flavours for the 3D-Printer specific codes developed over the years. This particular page is the master page for RepRap. Nowhere in here should the same code be used for two different things; there are always more numbers to use The rule is: add your new code here, then implement it.

Unfortunately human nature being what it is, the best procedures aren't always followed, so some multiple uses of the same code exist. The rule which should be followed is that later appearances of a code on this page (later than the original use of a code), are deprecated and should be changed, unless there is a good technical reason (like the general G-Code standard) why a later instance should be preferred. Note that the key date is appearance here, not date of implementation.


A typical piece of G-code as sent to a RepRap machine might look like this:

N3 T0*57 N4 G92 E0*67 N5 G28*22 N6 G1 F*82 N7 G1 X Y F*85 N8 G1 X Y*33

G-code can also be stored in files on SD cards. A file containing RepRap G-code usually has the extension , or . Files for BFB/RapMan have the extension . G-code stored in file or produced by a slicer might look like this:

G92 E0 G28 G1 F G1 X Y F G1 X Y

The meaning of all those symbols and numbers (and more) is explained below.

Slicers will (optionally?) add G-code scripts to the beginning and end of their output file to perform specified actions before and/or after a print such as z-probing the build-area, heating/cooling the bed and hotend, performing ooze free "nozzle wipe" startup routine, switching system power on/off, and even "ejecting" parts. More info on the Start GCode routines and End GCode routines pages.

To find out which specific G-code(s) are implemented in any given firmware, there are little tables attached to the command descriptions, like this one:

Here means:

&#;??? Unknown if the firmware supports this G-code. You may want to test this yourself before using it in production.
Yes The G-code is fully supported by the firmware.
+ The G-code is supported by version and above.
No The firmware does not support the G-code at all.
Partial There is only partial support for the full G-code specification. It may be required to rebuild the source code with extra options or flip configuration switches on the mainboard.
Experimental The G-code is experimental and may change or be removed.
Automatic The firmware handles this G-code automatically, so there's no need to send the command. An example is power supply on/off G-code (/) in the Teacup firmware.

For the technically-minded, G-code line endings are Unix Line Endings (), but will accept Windows Line Endings (), so you should not need to worry about converting between the two, but it is best practice to use Unix Line Endings where possible.


A RepRap G-code is a list of fields that are separated by white spaces or line breaks. A field can be interpreted as a command, parameter, or for any other special purpose. It consists of one letter directly followed by a number, or can be only a stand-alone letter (Flag). The letter gives information about the meaning of the field (see the list below in this section). Numbers can be integers () or fractional numbers (), depending on context. For example, an X coordinate can take integers () or fractionals (), but selecting extruder number would make no sense. In this description, the numbers in the fields are represented by as a placeholder.

In RepRapFirmware, some parameters can be followed by more than one number, with colon used to separate them. Typically this is used to specify extruder parameters, with one value provided per extruder. If only one value is provided where a value is needed for each extruder, then that value is applied to all extruders.

Letter Meaning
Gnnn Standard G-code command, such as move to a point
Mnnn RepRap-defined command, such as turn on a cooling fan
Tnnn Select tool nnn. In RepRap, a tool is typically associated with a nozzle, which may be fed by one or more extruders.
Snnn Command parameter, such as time in seconds; temperatures; voltage to send to a motor
Pnnn Command parameter, such as time in milliseconds; proportional (Kp) in PID Tuning
Xnnn A X coordinate, usually to move to. This can be an Integer or Fractional number.
Ynnn A Y coordinate, usually to move to. This can be an Integer or Fractional number.
Znnn A Z coordinate, usually to move to. This can be an Integer or Fractional number.
U,V,W Additional axis coordinates (RepRapFirmware)
Innn Parameter - X-offset in arc move; integral (Ki) in PID Tuning
Jnnn Parameter - Y-offset in arc move
Dnnn Parameter - used for diameter; derivative (Kd) in PID Tuning
Hnnn Parameter - used for heater number in PID Tuning
Fnnn Feedrate in mm per minute. (Speed of print head movement)
Rnnn Parameter - used for temperatures
Qnnn Parameter - not currently used
Ennn Length of extrudate. This is exactly like X, Y and Z, but for the length of filament to consume.
Nnnn Line number. Used to request repeat transmission in the case of communications errors.
*nnn Checksum. Used to check for communications errors.

Case sensitivity

The original NIST G-code standard requires gcode interpreters to be case-insensitive, except for characters in comments. However, not all 3D printer firmwares conform to this and some recognise uppercase command letters and parameters only.

Firmwares that are known to be case-insensitive
RepRapFirmware version and later (except within quoted strings)
Druid Firmware version by default is case-insensitive: ( M S0 = case-sensitive / M S1 = case-insensitive )
Firmwares that are known to be case-sensitive
RepRapFirmware version and earlier
Druid Firmware version for case-sensitive: M S0 = case-sensitive

Quoted strings

In RepRapFirmware, some commands support quoted strings when providing file names and other string parameters. This allows file names, WiFi passwords etc. to contain spaces, semicolons and other characters that would otherwise not be permitted. Double-quote characters are used to delimit the string, and any double-quote character within the string must be repeated.

Unfortunately, some gcode sender programs convert all characters to uppercase and don't provide any means to disable this feature. Therefore, within a quoted-string, the single-quote character is used as a flag to force the following character to lowercase. If you want to include a single quote character in the string, use two single quote characters to represent one single quote character.

Example: to add SSID MYROUTER with password to the WiFi network list, use command:

or if you can't send lowercase characters:

Using expressions in parameters

RepRapFirmware and later allow parameter values to be computed from an expression enclosed in { }. Such an expression may include constants, values from the machine object model, operators and functions. Example:

See eunic-brussels.eu#Section_Use_of_expressions_within_GCode_commands for more details.

G-code comments begin at a semicolon, and end at the end of the line:

N3 T0*57&#;; This is a comment N4 G92 E0*67 ; So is this N5 G28*22

Some firmwares also obey the CNC G-code standard, which is to enclose comments in round brackets. Comments of this form must start and end on the same line:

(Home some axes) G28 (here come the axes to be homed) X Y

Comments and white space will be ignored by your RepRap Printer. It's better to strip these out on the host computer before sending the G-code to your printer, as this saves bandwidth.

Special fields

N: Line number


If present, the line number should be the first field in a line. For G-code stored in files on SD cards the line number is usually omitted.

If checking is supported, the RepRap firmware expects line numbers to increase by 1 each line, and if that doesn't happen it is flagged as an error. But you can reset the count using (see below).

Although supported, usage of N in Machinekit is discouraged as it serves no purpose.

*: Checksum


If present, the checksum should be the last field in a line, but before a comment. For G-code stored in files on SD cards the checksum is usually omitted.

The firmware compares the checksum against a locally-computed value. If they differ, it requests a repeat transmission of the line.

*: CRC


The 8-bit checksum provides insufficient protection against noise on the received data connection in some situations, for example where the cable from a display device runs close to an extruder cable. Therefore RepRapFirmware allows a CRC to be used in place of a checksum. If present, the CRC should be the last field in a line, but before a comment. RepRapFirmware assumes that * followed by 5 digits is a CRC, whereas * followed by 1, 2 or 3 digits is a checksum. The polynomial used is 0x as for CCITT CRC


N [G Code in here] *71

The RepRap firmware checks the line number and the checksum (or CRC if supported). You can leave both of these out - RepRap will still work, but it won't do checking. You have to have both or neither though. If only one appears, it produces an error.

The checksum "cs" for a G-code string "cmd" (including its line number) is computed by exor-ing the bytes in the string up to and not including the * character as follows:

int cs = 0; for(i = 0; cmd[i]&#;!= '*' && cmd[i]&#;!= NULL; i++) cs = cs ^ cmd[i]; cs &= 0xff; // Defensive programming

and the value is appended as a decimal integer to the command after the * character.

Conditional Execution and Loops

RepRapFirmware and later supports conditions and loops in GCode. Properties from the firmware object model (e.g. current position, current tool) can be included in controlling expressions. See eunic-brussels.eu for details.


If buffering is supported, the RepRap firmware stores some commands in a ring buffer internally for execution. This means that there is no (appreciable) delay while a command is acknowledged and the next transmitted. In turn, this means that sequences of line segments can be plotted without a dwell between one and the next. As soon as one of these buffered commands is received it is acknowledged and stored locally. If the local buffer is full, then the acknowledgment is delayed until space for storage in the buffer is available. This is how flow control is achieved.

Typically, the following moving commands are buffered: - and -. The Teacup Firmware buffers also some setting commands: , , and . All other , or commands are not buffered.

RepRapFirmware also implements an internal queue to ensure that certain codes (like M) are executed in the right order and not when the last move has been added to the look-ahead queue.

When an unbuffered command is received it is stored, but it is not acknowledged to the host until the buffer is exhausted and then the command has been executed. Thus the host will pause at one of these commands until it has been done. Short pauses between these commands and any that might follow them do not affect the performance of the machine.


G0 & G1: Move

  • &#;: Rapid Move
  • &#;: Linear Move
Not all parameters need to be used, but at least one has to be used
The position to move to on the X axis
The position to move to on the Y axis
The position to move to on the Z axis
The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
The feedrate per minute of the move between the starting point and ending point (if supplied)
(RepRapFirmware) Flag to check if an endstop was hit ( to check, to ignore, other see note, default is )1
(RepRapFirmware) Restore point number 4
Laser cutter/engraver power. In RepRapFirmware, when not in laser mode S in interpreted the same as H.
G0 X12 &#;; move to 12mm on the X axis G0 F &#;; Set the feedrate to mm/min G1 X Y E&#;; Move to mm on the X axis and mm on the Y axis while extruding mm of material

The RepRap firmware spec treats and as the same command, since it's just as efficient as not doing so.2

Most RepRap firmwares do subtle things with feedrates.

G1 F &#;; Set feedrate to mm/min G1 X50 Y E&#;; Move and extrude

In the above example, we first set the feedrate to mm/min, then move to 50mm on X and mm on Y while extruding mm of filament between the two points.

G1 F &#;; Feedrate mm/min G1 X50 Y E F&#;; Accelerate to mm/min

However, in the above example, we set a feedrate of mm/min, then do the same move, but accelerating to mm/min. Everything stays synchronized, so extrusion accelerates right along with X and Y movement.

The RepRap spec treats the feedrate as simply another variable (like X, Y, Z, and E) to be linearly interpolated. This gives complete control over the acceleration and deceleration of the printer head in a way that ensures everything moves smoothly together and the right volume of material is extruded at all points.3

To reverse the extruder by a given amount (for example to reduce its internal pressure while it does an in-air movement so that it doesn't dribble) simply use or to send an value that is less than the currently extruded length.


1Some firmwares allow for the RepRap to enable or disable the "sensing" of endstops during a move. Please check with whatever firmware you are using to see if they support the parameter in this way, as damage may occur if you assume incorrectly. In RepRapFirmware, using the or parameter on a delta printer causes the parameters to refer to the individual tower motor positions instead of the head position, and to enable endstop detection as well if the parameter is H1. H3 may be used to measure axis lengths and H4 can be used to stop when an endstop is hit while updating the position only (H4 is supported in b4 and later).

2In the RSNGC Spec, is Rapid Move, which was used to move between the current point in space and the new point as quickly and efficiently as possible, and is Controlled Move, which was used to move between the current point in space and the new point as precise as possible. In RepRapFirmware, G1 is always a linear move but G0 may not be linear (e.g. on a SCARA machine); however a G0 move will never go below the lower of the initial and final Z height of the move.

3Some firmwares may not support setting the feedrate inline with a move.

4RepRapFirmware provides an additional 'R' parameter to tell the machine to add the coordinates of the specified restore point to all axis coordinates mentioned in the G0 or G1 command. Axes that are not mentioned in the G0 or G1 command are not moved. When a print is paused, the coordinates are saved in restore point #1. When a tool change is commenced, the coordinates are saved in restore point #2. Coordinates can also be saved in restore points explicity using the G60 command.

Some older machines, CNC or otherwise, used to move faster if they did not move in a straight line. This is also true for some non-Cartesian printers, like delta or polar printers, which move easier and faster in a curve.

G2 & G3: Controlled Arc Move

(Clockwise Arc)
(Counter-Clockwise Arc)
The position to move to on the X axis
The position to move to on the Y axis
The point in X space from the current X position to maintain a constant distance from
The point in Y space from the current Y position to maintain a constant distance from
The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
The feedrate per minute of the move between the starting point and ending point (if supplied)
G2 X Y I5 J10 E

(Move in a Clockwise arc from the current point to point (X=,Y=), with a center point at (X=current_X+5, Y=current_Y+10), extruding mm of material between starting and stopping)

G3 X Y I5 J10 E

(Move in a Counter-Clockwise arc from the current point to point (X=,Y=), with a center point at (X=current_X+5, Y=current_Y+10), extruding mm of material between starting and stopping)


1In Marlin Firmware not implemented for DELTA printers.

2Prusa Firmware implements arcs only in Cartesian XY.

3On Klipper, a section must be enabled in the configuration file.

G4: Dwell

Pause the machine for a period of time.

Time to wait, in milliseconds (In Teacup, P0, wait until all previous moves are finished)
Time to wait, in seconds (Only on Repetier, Marlin, Prusa, Smoothieware, and RepRapFirmware and later)
G4 P

In this case sit still doing nothing for milliseconds. During delays the state of the machine (for example the temperatures of its extruders) will still be preserved and controlled.

On Marlin, Smoothie and RepRapFirmware, the "S" parameter will wait for seconds, while the "P" parameter will wait for milliseconds. "G4 S2" and "G4 P" are equivalent.

G6: Direct Stepper Move

Perform a direct, uninterpolated, and non-kinematic synchronized move of one or more steppers directly. Units may be linear (e.g., mm or inches on ) or specified in degrees (SCARA). This command is useful for initialization, diagnostics, and calibration, and should be disabled on production equipment. This type of move can be potentially dangerous, especially for deltabots, so implementations should do their best to limit movement to prevent twerking and damaging the carriage assembly.

Stepper A position or angle
Stepper B position or angle
Stepper C position or angle
Relative move flag
SCARA Examples
G6 A45 &#;; Move SCARA A stepper to the 45° position G6 B20 R &#;; Move SCARA B stepper 20° counter-clockwise
DELTA Example
G6 C10 R &#;; Move DELTA C carriage up by 10mm

G Set tool Offset and/or workplace coordinates and/or tool temperatures

Tool number
Offset mode 5
X offset
Y offset
Z offset2
other axis offsets4
Standby temperature(s) (RepRapFirmware)
Active temperature(s) (RepRapFirmware)
G10 L1 P2 X Y Z

(sets the offset for tool 2 to the X, Y, and Z values specified)

G10 P1 R S

(RepRapFirmware only - set standby and active temperatures3 for tool 1)

Remember that any parameter that you don't specify will automatically be set to the last value for that parameter. That usually means that you want explicitly to set Z RepRapFirmware will report the tool parameters if only the tool number is specified.

The precise meaning of the X, Y (and other offset) values is: with no offset this tool is at this position relative to where a tool with offset (0, 0, 0) would be. So if the tool is 10mm to the left of a zero-offset tool the X value would be , and so on.

The value is the standby temperature in oC that will be used for the tool, and the value is its operating temperature. If you don't want the tool to be at a different temperature when not in use, set both values the same. See the T code (select tool) below. In tools with multiple heaters the temperatures for them all are specified thus: R S .

See also .


1Marlin uses G10/G11 for executing a retraction/unretraction move. Smoothie uses for retract and for setting workspace coordinates. RepRapFirmware interprets a G10 command with no P or L parameter as a retraction command.

2It's usually a bad idea to put a non-zero value in as well unless the tools are loaded and unloaded by some sort of tool changer or are on indepedent carriages. When all the tools are in the machine at once they should all be set to the same Z height.

3If the absolute zero temperature () is passed as active and standby temperatures, RepRapFirmware will only switch off the tool heater(s) without changing their preset active or standby temperatures. RepRapFirmware-dc42 does not support this setting.

4Tool offsets are applied after any X axis mapping has been performed. Therefore if for example you map X to U in your command to create the tool, you should specify a U offset not an X offset. If you map X to both X and U, you can specify both offsets. (Not supported on all firmwares).

5L1 sets the offsets of the specified tool relative to the head reference point to the specified values. L2 sets the current workplace coordinate offsets to the specified values. L20 adjusts the current workplace coordinate offsets so that the current tool head position has the specified coordinates. NOTE on some firmwares L is required (and is required by NIST standard). P is also required to specify either the tool to update or the WCS to update.

G Retract

retract length (S1 = long retract, S0 = short retract = default) (Repetier only)

Retracts filament according to settings of (Marlin, RepRapFirmware) or according to the value (Repetier).

RepRapFirmware recognizes as a command to set tool offsets and/or temperatures if the parameter is present, and as a retraction command if it is absent.

G Unretract

retract length (S1 = long retract, S0 = short retract = default) (Repetier only)

Unretracts/recovers filament according to settings of (Marlin, RepRapFirmware) or according to the value (Repetier).

G Clean Tool


RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller

Crystal Clear action eunic-brussels.eu
eunic-brussels.eu Full Graphic Smart Controller

Release status: working


Full Graphic Smart Controller

Based on bkubicek idea and STB's DOGM implementation, we realized this full graphic smart controller.


This Full Graphic Smart Controller contains a SD-Card reader, a rotary encoder and a x 64 dot matrix LCD display.

The RepRapDiscount_Smart_Controller is a similar design with a 20x4 character based display.

This display board is intended to provide an easy and simple solution to interact with a 3D printer. Given that many of the 3D printer's mainboards are based on the RAMPS design this display board is supported by many other mainboards.

When using a RAMPS board the Full Graphic Smart Controller is simple to connect using the "smart adapter" which connects directly to an Arduino Mega The Full Graphic Smart Controller comes with a (x64) LCD.

Depending on the vendor you may find boards using an ST IC Driver or a ST IC Driver. Boards using a DOG-M Display use a ST IC Driver. The more common and generic boards use some flavor of a LCD with the ST, this is the case with most board you find in online stores.

The original design supports the 8bit Parallel display interface and a 4bit serial display interface, yet all of the common E3 Printer firmwares only support the 4bit Serial interface which only uses one pin for data, freeing more pins for other uses. The preference of serial is mainly due to the use of the [U8G library](eunic-brussels.eu) that implements the graphic support in these firmwares.

This display board is supported by the most popular 3D Printer firmwares, yet differences in the LCD Drivers used and others may dictate the level of support in a given 3D printer mainboard and firmware combination. See connection for more details.

Original Design and Clones/Variants

The original design supports the 8bit Parallel interface and a 4bit serial interface. Many clones or variants only support the serial (SPI) interface.

Variants of the design may have fans or remove the SD-Card, among other changes.

Some budget clones may have issues due to timing constraints with the display used.

Depending on the vendor you may find boards using an ST IC Driver, a ST IC Driver, or other. Boards using a DOG-M Display use a ST IC Driver. The more common and generic boards use some flavor of a LCD with the ST, this is the case with most boards you find in online stores.


The board has two pin (2 row with mm pitch) box connectors marked EXP1 and EXP2 (PIN IDC CONNECTOR).

The following figure shows the pinout mapping to an Arduino Mega

Reprap fgdc eunic-brussels.eu

When used with a RAMPS board the "Smart Adapter" provides an easy connection with the RAMPS. The following figure shows the pinout mapping to an Arduino Mega

Reprap fgdc smart adapter eunic-brussels.eu

Clones and other manufactures may provide different connections, in particular models without SD-Card or models supporting only the SPI/Serial interface (most common)


LCD Connect Schematics

RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller Schematics

Smart Adapter Gerber Files

RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller Gerber Files

As firmware we used Marlins' sources, to update the firmware in the future you just need an Arduino board, so you are good to go&#;;)

Pictures of a Full Graphic Smart Controller made by eunic-brussels.eu

  • Smart Adapter eunic-brussels.eu

Support in Marlin Firmware V1 (new)

The basic requirement to add support in the Marlin Firmware is to enable the in the "Configuration.h”. For more details check Marlin's page on how to configure the firmware, see the LCD section.

1. Open the "Configuration.h” file and find the following line:


2. Remove the comment characters "//", so the line now reads:


After build then upload of your firmware to your printers Arduino or mainboard as specified in the firmware documentation.


By default Marlin will use the U8G/DOGM libraries to handle the Smart Controller and assume that the LCD driver is the ST

The firmware also offers other define constants for some popular variants of the 'RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller', that may use another driver or has a different PIN/layout or other requirement. Look at options under the the "LCD / Controller Selection" sections in the "Configuration.h” file.

To enable the correct LCD in the firmware it is important that you identify if your version of a "Smart Controller" is indeed using the ST driver or if it has a different pin requirement. If that is your situation, then you need to see if the firmware already has support for your version of "Smart Controller" and select it accordingly.

If you have an 8bit board it's likely that it is based on RAMPS, in which case it uses the "pins_RAMPS.h" (or other pins_RAMPxxx.h) as the base of the PIN configuration for your board. You can tell if your board is using a RAMPS as a base configuration by looking for a line similar to near the top. In addition to checking the "pins_XXXX.h" file corresponding to your mainboard, its a good idea to check the base file to see if your smart controller is supported.

Another important aspect of compatibility is dictated by your printers mainboard it self. If you board has a dedicated LCD connector you have to check at minimum two things:

  • Ensure that the connector pin-out matches the cable or adapter that you are using. In many instances the supplied cable or adapter is for a particular board.
  • Ensure that the pins on the board can actually drive the LCD (connected to a pin that does the required function).

For example a connection that shares the SPI with the an ST LCD will not work and will produce garbage on the LCD. (The ST can not share an SPI/Serial interface).


Open Source Files

You can find the open source files here: eunic-brussels.eu://eunic-brussels.eu

Where to get it?

If you don't have the mood to build it yourself you can just buy from

All parts are licensed under Attribution - ShareAlike.


  • Some versions of this board have the notched connectors the wrong way around. If your controller only flickers and beeps, cut off the notches on the cables and insert them upside down.
  • Some clones of this board use really slow LCD displays so their signal timings need adjusted.
The symptoms are that the display gets slightly corrupted. (which can also be cables to long)
In current versions of marlin () add the following to configuration.h to override the default settings.
add "#define ST_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)"
add "#define ST_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(0)"
add "#define ST_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(63)" // this is the defaults for a 16mhz processor (ie a mega)
This is used as follows.
For each bit that is sent over SPI
Set the clock pin low and wait ST_DELAY_1
Set the data pin and wait ST_DELAY_2
Set the clock pin high and wait ST_DELAY_3
Slower LCD's seem to need ST_DELAY_3 increased.


There are some possible hacks to modify the display.


User Manual


Description: if you felt hard to install the driver, try the image with the driver pre-installed.


The driver can be downloaded from github

git clone eunic-brussels.eu


LCD Panel Dimension

Question:Why can not the LCD be used normally when using the Raspberry Pi image provided by waveshare?


Since the Raspberry Pi image and version are frequently updated, if you encounter a situation where the LCD cannot be used normally, please download the latest version of the image provided by us or from the official website of Raspberry Pi and install the latest driver provided by us.
  • Make sure the hardware connection is correct and the contact is good.
  • Make sure that TF card programming is normal.
  • When the Raspberry Pi starts normally, the PWR light is always on, and the ACT light is flashing. If it is found that both lights are always on, it may be that the TF card is not successfully programmed to the image or the TF card is in poor contact with the Raspberry Pi.
  • It is recommended to use a 5V A power adapter for the Raspberry Pi. If the Raspberry Pi is powered by the USB port of the PC, the Raspberry Pi may not be able to start normally due to an insufficient power supply.




Technical Support

If you need technical support or have any feedback/review, please click the Submit Now button to submit a ticket, Our support team will check and reply to you within 1 to 2 working days. Please be patient as we make every effort to help you to resolve the issue.
Working Time: 9 AM - 6 AM GMT+8 (Monday to Friday)

1>] [S<count>] [T<count>]
1 Pattern style selection
Number of strokes (i.e. back-and-forth movements)
Number of repetitions
0=Never 1=Always apply software endstops (Marlin +)

G12&#;; stroke pattern (default)

To generate a three triangle zig-zag pattern which will be stroked three times time use the following command. G12 P1 S3 T2&#;; zig-zag pattern with 2 triangles


1In Marlin firmware and Derivatives Mk4duo this is implemented by hard-coded firmware behaviours As defined for variables NOZZLE_CLEAN_STROKES, NOZZLE_CLEAN_START_POINT, NOZZLE_CLEAN_END_POINT and NOZZLE_CLEAN_PARK.

With NOZZLE_CLEAN_PARK enabled, the nozzle will automatically return to the XYZ position after G12 is run.

More on this behaviour is documented inside of the code base.

The use of G12 for tool cleaning clashes with the established use of G12 for circular pocket milling on CNC machines. For this reason, RepRapFirmware does not support G

G Plane Selection (CNC specific)

sudo tee -a /etc/modules sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/eunic-brussels.eu

Add in eunic-brussels.eu file.

KERNEL=="uinput", MODE="", GROUP="input"

save it and run it in the terminal.

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules sudo udevadm trigger

Then reboot:

sudo reboot

Run after reboot (no sudo needed at this point)


After running, you can touch and long press to realize the right-click function.

Set Startup

Enter the terminal

sudo mkdir ~/.config/autostart sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/right_eunic-brussels.eup

Add the following in right_eunic-brussels.eup.

[Desktop Entry] Version= Type=Application Name=evdev-rce GenericName=Enable long-press-to-right-click gesture Exec=env LONG_CLICK_INTERVAL= LONG_CLICK_FUZZ= /usr/local/bin/evdev-rce Terminal=true StartupNotify=false #If you want to modify the sensitivity, you can modify the size of the two parameters, LONG_CLICK_INTERVAL= LONG_CLICK_FUZZ=


7inch HDMI Display-C

Product Video

Product pictures


Product Description

  • 7’’ standard display, × Hardware resolution, Up to x software configuration resolution.
  • Capacitive touch screen, maximum support 5 point touch
  • Support backlight control alone, the backlight can be turned off to save power
  • Support Raspberry Pi, BB Black, Banana Pi and other mainstream mini PC
  • Can be used as general-purpose-use HDMI monitor, for example: connect with a computer HDMI as the sub-display
  • Used as a raspberry pi display that supports Raspbian, Ubuntu, Kali-Linux, Kodi, win10 IOT, single-touch, free drive
  • Work as a PC monitor, support win7, win8, win10 system 5 point touch (XP and older version system: single-point touch), free drive
  • CE, RoHS certification

Product Parameters

  • Size: (inch)
  • SKU: MPI
  • Resolution: * (dots)
  • Touch: five-point capacitive touch
  • Active Area: *(mm)
  • Product Size: * (mm)
  • Package Size: **53 (mm)
  • Rough Weight(Package containing): (g)
  • Power Dissipation: A*5V @*

Hardware Description


  • Backlight Power switch: Controls the backlight turned on and off to save power.
  • ②&③ USB Touch / power supply connector: For power supply and touch output, the functions of the both are the same, can just use one of them.
  • HDMI interface: For connecting motherboard and LCD monitor to HDMI transmission.

How to use with Raspbian/Ubuntu Mate/Win10 IoT Core System

Step 1, Install Raspbian official image

  1. Download the latest image from the official download.
  2. Install the system according to the official tutorial steps.

Step 2, modify the “eunic-brussels.eu”

After the programming of Step1 is completed, open the eunic-brussels.eu file of TF card root directory and
add the following code at the end of the file, save and eject Micro SD Card safely:
max_usb_current=1 hdmi_force_hotplug=1 config_hdmi_boost=7 hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=87 hdmi_drive=1 display_rotate=0 hdmi_cvt 60 6 0 0 0

Step 3, Drive the 5inch HDMI Display-B with the Raspberry Pi

Insert the TF Card to Raspberry Pi, connect the Raspberry Pi and LCD by HDMI cable; connect USB cable to one of the four USB ports of Raspberry Pi,
and connect the other end of the USB cable to the USB port of the LCD; then supply power to Raspberry Pi; after that if the display and touch both are OK,
it means drive successfully (please use the full 2A for power supply).

How to use as PC monitor

  • Connect the computer HDMI output signal to the LCD HDMI interface by using the HDMI cable
  • Connect the LCD's USB Touch interface (Either of the two MicroUSB) to the USB port of the device
  • If there are several monitors, please unplug other monitor connectors first, and use LCD as the only monitor for testing.

How to rotate the display direction

  • Step 1,If the driver is not installed, execute the following command (Raspberry Pi needs to connected to the Internet):
sudo rm -rf LCD-show git clone eunic-brussels.eu chmod -R LCD-show cd LCD-show/ sudo ./LCD7C-show

After execution, the driver will be installed.

  • Step 2,If the driver is already installed, execute the following command:
cd LCD-show/ sudo ./eunic-brussels.eu 90

After execution, the system will automatically restart, and the display screen will rotate 90 degrees to display and touch normally.
( ' 90 ' can be changed to 0, 90, and , respectively representing rotation angles of 0 degrees, 90 degrees, degrees, degrees)
If the eunic-brussels.eu prompt cannot be found, use Step 1 to install the latest drivers

Product Dimensions


  1. 7inch_HDMI_Display-C_User_Manual(En)
  2. How_to_install_the_LCD_driver_V
  3. How_to_install_matchbox-keyboard
  4. How_to_use_Raspberry_Pi(Download,Format,Burn,SSH,PuTTy)-Vpdf
  1. Local download: eunic-brussels.eu
If you have difficulty installing the driver, or if you still can't use the display properly after installing the driver,
Please Try our Configned images for tested.
Just need download and write the image into the TF card. DO NOT need any driver installation steps.
  1. Panasonic SDFormatter
  2. Win32DiskImager
  3. PuTTY



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