sapik english / sapik – Turkish to Russian translation – Yandex Translate

Sapik English

sapik english

AbsurdI find his ideas absurd / the allegations are patently absurd / An absurd situation / that's completely absurd
BalmySoft music sounds balmy / A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast. / a completely balmy but harmless old man who talked intently to plants and bel...
Barmyshe wrote to him in desperation
BattyHe is a batty man / I've helped bring up the brats children of friends etc., although obviously that's no real comparison with the real thing.
Bonkersand the fans go bonkers
CrazyShe was crazy about him The crowd went crazy He had a crazy dream She is crazy about cars and racing / She was crazy about him / Stella went crazy and assaul...
Daftdon't ask such daft questions
DottyNot another of your dotty ideas for making money / he was slightly dotty by the end of his second term
FoolishIt would be foolish to believe such rumours / it was foolish of you to enter into correspondence / A foolish young man
GoofyHis strange mannerisms and goofy asides are amusing, and he has a comedian's sensibility for wanting to keep the audience at home interested.
InsaneAn insane person should be properly dealt with / certifying patients as clinically insane
KookyI realized Peter was a little bit kooky when I saw him running naked down the street.
Loonyloony drivers
LunaticHe is a lunatic / He hatched a lunatic plot to overthrow the government. / Do you remember that one episode of X-Files with that crazed lunatic writer who wa...
MadHe went completely mad / he felt as if he were going mad / I am afraid of going mad
NutsHave you gone nuts / go nuts
NuttyThis custured is very nutty / wild rice has a very nutty flavor / we had a delicious wine with a nutty taste / a nutty cake
ScrewySending man to moon was considered as a screwy idea before hundred years Mostly people fail in their mission if their leader is screwy / some of the most res...
SillyI was rather silly to let the strangers in who robbed me Stop playing silly games, you are old enough to be serious / I was rather silly to let the strangers...
ZanyThe joker made us laugh with his zany tricks / I can watch the Marx brothers' zany antics for hours. / hired a zany to entertain the children at the birthday...
AverageIndian team needs an average of 6 runs per over / the average temperature in May was 64°F / On the average there is rain on two days out of ten / when we ave...
Balancedshe assembled a balanced team
Brainya brainy, high-powered lawyer / Out of all of us,Richard was always the brainy one / she's very brainy
BrightThe sun was bright and hot bright greens bright silver candlesticks / The sun was bright and hot / I have problems seeing when the sun is bright / Her pants ...
CalmAfter the devastating cyclone in Orissa,the state is now calm / After the devastating cyclone in Orissa / the state is now calm / keep calm , she told hersel...
CleverHe has a clever brother / a clever and studious young woman / A math teacher's clever tricks
Collectedthe collected works of Shakespeare / outwardly they are cool, calm, and collected / Jason seemed clam and collected / the collected works of Milton / he appe...
CommonPeace and harmony should be maintained for the common good of all / salt and pepper are the two most common seasonings / The hobby in common
CommonplaceJeans is commonplace in India today / It is a commonplace that we only use a small part of our brain's capacity. / unemployment was commonplace in his profes...
EverydayEveryday, she cooks the food / My green shirt is my everyday shirt
IntelligentThe student put forward intelligent questions / Annabelle is intelligent and hardworking
JudiciousGandhiji was a very judicious person / judicious use of our resources / the efficient and judicious use of pesticides / you've made a judicious decision
LucidA lucid moment in his madness A lucid thinker / A lucid moment in his madness / Lexy makes an excellent teacher: her explanations of technical points are luc...
NormalServe wine at normal room temperature / it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food / normal temperature / she is a perfectly normal ten-year-old
OrdinaryShe was quite an ordinary girl / he sets out to depict ordinary people
ProsaicReema told the interior decorator that she would not prefer a prosaic decoration for her room / Though the ad writers had come up with a highly creative camp...
PrudentIt would have been more prudent for us not have started building the new house / Su-yong was happy she followed Greg's prudent advice to study, as the test w...
RegularHe is regular in attendance You must follow your regular routine The machine is checked on a regular basis / You must follow your regular routine / place the...
SaneIts hard to stay sane under such awful pressure / hard work kept me sane
WiseWise people think before they act / she seems kind and wise

Sapık mısın translate English / Turkish → English / [ S ] / Sapık mısın

149 parallel translation

- Kızım sen sapık mısın?

Are you a stalker?

Sapık mısın sen!

Unnatural girl!

Sapık mısın?

Bit of a pervert, eh?

Sapık mısın nesin?

Are you some kind of pervert or something?

Sapık mısınız siz?

What are you, perverts?

Sapık mısın nesin?

You some kind of freak?

- Sapık mısın?

- Are you a wimp?

Sadece sapık mısın yoksa özel bir şeyin peşinde misin?

Are you crazy just... or search something in particular?

Ne yapıyorsun sapık mısın sen?

What are you doing, pervert?

Sapık mısın?

Are you a pervert?

Sapık mısın? Hayır.

- What are you, a weirdo?

Sapık mısın nesin?

You look like a pervert or something.

Sapık mısın, nesin?

Are you some kind of pervert?

Yoksa sen sapık mısın?

Are you bent or something?

At şunu ağzından, sapık mısın?

Spit it out, are you a pervert?

Çok korkmuştu sen onu dükkânında takip eden bir sapık mısın?

She was scared half to death, and you're some kind of pervert following her in the store?

Çok. Yoksa sapık mısınız?

You guys a bunch of frigging perverts or something?

Sapık mısın bilmiyorum.

I don't know if you're psycho.

Yani sapık mısın?

So, basically, you're a sicko?

Dale sen av arayan bir sapık mısın?

Dale? Are you... are you a sexual predator?

Nesin sen, hasta bir sapık mısın yoksa lan? Ha? Ha?

What are you, some kind of a fucking sick, demented pervert, huh?

Sen sapık mısın?

You a sadist?

- Sapık mısın?

- Are you schizo?

Ne tahılları öğüten, Mısır'ın tuğlaları için saman yapan öküzlere ağızlık takmalısın, ne de buğdayı sapından ayırmak için rüzgarda sürekli buğday savuran ağzına kadar dolu Nil teknelerinden durmamacasına sahile buğday taşıyan kölelerin emeklerini karşılıksız bırakmalısın.

Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the com, making straw for the bricks of Egypt, nor spare the arms that endlessly winnow the grain in the wind to separate the wheat from the chaff wheat borne stolidly on the backs of countless slaves from the heavy-laden Nile boats to the teeming shore.

- Sen sapık falan mısın?

- Are you some kind of pervert?

Sanırım biraz asılmalısın, seni sapık.

I ought to let you hang, you pervert.

Sabotajla suçlandım... Parti'nin parasını zimmetime geçirme... askeri sırları satma... Avrasya Hükümeti'nden para almakla... cinsi sapık olmakla ve bir düşüncesuçuyla.

I accuse myself of sabotage... embezzlement of Party funds... sale of military secrets... of being in the pay of the Government of Eurasia... of being a sexual pervert and a thoughtcriminal.

Sapıkın oyunlardan hoşlanır mısın?

Are you into kinky games?

Onun sapık olduğunu söylemişti. Ağzını sıkı tutacaksın, tamam mı?

Keep your mouth shut!

Sapık filan mısınız? Bu kadar yeter.

Look, lady, that is enough.

Önce senin sapık olduğunu düşündüm, sonra o kadının. Bundan artık sıkılmaya başladım.

First I thought you were the stalker, then I thought she was.

Çünkü bunda sapıttık mı tiyatronun özünden ayrılmış oluruz. Başlangıçta olduğu gibi bugünde tiyatronun amacı bir anlamda doğaya ayna tutmaktır. Erdeme kendi yüzünü, kusura camdaki hayalini ve tümüyle çağın toplumuna kendi biçim ve kalıbını göstermektir.

For anything so o'erdone is from the purpose of playing whose end, both at the first and now was and is to hold as'twere the mirror up to nature to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure.

Şık bir ayyaşın ve Hollandalı sapığın saygısını mı?

The respect of a posh lush and a Dutch letch.

Siz, hepiniz : ... Size verebileceğim şeye can atarsınız ama güçlü bir kadına dayanamazsınız. Tanrının en güzel hediyesini kendimizi arzularımızı, aşka olan özlemimizi siz pislik günah ve sapıklık- -

You, all of you who hunger for what I give but cannot bear to see such power in a woman you call God's greatest gift ourselves our yearning, our need to love, you call it filth and sin and heresy -

Veya kahve dükkanındaki herkese George'un bir kız ile en iyi arkadaşının sapıkça cinsiyet karışımını oluşturduğunu mu anlatayım?

Or to tell everybody at the coffee shop how George is all mixed up in a perverse sexual amalgam of some girl and his best friend?

Sapık falan mısın?

You some kind of stalker?

"Polisler notun kimin bıraktığını bilmediklerini savunuyor, fakat aldığımız bir habere göre not katil tarafından yazılmış, kabus dünyasında yaşayan gerçek bir sapık."

"Although police officials declined to discuss the note, " our unofficial source said it was written by a homicidal maniac, "a real sicko who lives in a nightmare world."

Sapık olduğumu düşünüyor olmalısın, değil mi?

You must think that I'm really perverted, don't you?

Kendi yıkımını hazırlayan insan kendini yabancılaşmış, sapına kadar yalnız hisseder.

A self-destructive man feels completely alienated, utterly alone.

Bir sapık fiIan mısın?

Um... for God's sake, is this some kind of pervert?

Bu küçük sapık arabanın arkasından beni dikizliyordu ve çok sinirlendim.

- The little pervert's bee n snooping through my car and I'm pissed off.

Onların sapık yolundan mı gitmeye çalışıyorsun?

Are you trying to adopt their impious ways?

Bu sıradan bir sapık değil. Reçetelerle uğraşacağını mı sanıyorsun?

Then I'll start with hospitals that use those pills.

Sık sık çakı sapı yapar mısın?

♪ do you wear your jock a lot? ♪

Sapık olduğunu söylemiyorum ama kullandığın bir mendili saklamış. Ondan hoşlanman için bir tür Afrika vudusu yapacağını söyledi.

And OK, look, I'm not saying she's a stalker, but she saved this Kleenex you used and she said she's gonna do some kind of African voodoo with it to make you like her.

- Burada yapmaya çalıştığım şey. Herhalde burada tam bir sapık gibi görünmemek için çaba gösterdiğimi düşünüyor olmalısın.

What I've been trying to do- - i expect you've been wondering- - is make some vague attempt not to seem like a complete pervert.

Ve özür dilerim ama çok ateşli görünüyorsun, yeni sarı saçların ışıkta parlıyor bu yanan sapık oyuncağının ışığında

And I'm sorry, but you look so hot, your new blonde hair shining in the light of the burning effigy of that molester.

Şu süpürgeyi al, ben eğilip bileklerimi tutayım, sen de sapından sıkıca tutup beni kapının dışına süpür.

Why don't you take this broom here, I'll bend over and grab my ankles, you lube up the handle real good, and just sweep me out the door.

Nesin sen, sapık takipçi falan mısın?

What are you, some sort of a stalker?

© 2017 - 2023

Sapık Dönüyor

Yönetmen Stan Winston
Yapımcı Bill Blake, Howard Smith, Richard Weinmann
Senarist Gary Gerani, Mark Patrick Carducci
Müzik Richard Stone
Çıkış tarih(ler)i 1988
Süre 86 Dakika
Dil İngilizce
Bütçe 3.500.000$

Sapık Dönüyor, ya da İngilizce orijinal adıyla Pumpkinhead, 1988 tarihli Amerikan yapımı korku türünde bir B-Moviedir.

Konusu[değiştir [email protected]


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