dating a polyamorous woman / Polyamory: are polyamorous relationships the new dating norm?

dating a polyamorous woman

dating a polyamorous woman

Modern relationships are far more complex and wholly unique to individuals. In addition to this list, I would also recommend you look for general relationship red and green! Indeed, I accepted many other conditions unrelated to polyamory as well — like alcoholism, disrespect and deprioritization. Much of that is internal work. You by no means need to run out and find another partner right now, but I would strongly suggest that you yourself stay open to the notion of having more than one partner at some point. Cheating is not the same thing as polyamory, and even if you identify as polyamorous, that does not excuse any cheating you may have done in the past. This is incredibly self-centred and objectifies the individuals they date, as they do so purely for social validation rather than because they genuinely care.

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