how to remove a snapchat update / Uninstalled Snapchat--But It's Still Ther… - Apple Community

how to remove a snapchat update

how to remove a snapchat update

Uninstall Stories Update. OK, so, thanks to Twitter, some users have claimed that this workaround works see tweet below , but Pocket-lint has yet to replicate it. The last thing you need to do is make sure you disable automatic updates on your device. As always the first place to be hit with feedback regarding the update and change was the app stores, with users on both smashing Snapchat with 1-star reviews. Honestly, the best way to avoid the whole mess is to turn off automatic updates. If your phone blocks the installation, you may need to enable developer options, which can easy by found by Googling your device and developer mode. Plus, there's a new algorithm that's supposed to order your friends by whom you speak to most.

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