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Sürülebilir Çikolata Markaları

sürülebilir çikolata markaları

(monash.pwBefore(e, n), m(c, 0)) } }(this, document), monash.pw = function () { monash.pw(window, []monash.pw(arguments, 0)) }; ; (function ($, window, undefined) { 'use strict'; // global var Modernizr = monash.pwizr, $body = $('body'); $.DLMenu = function (options, element) { this.$el = $(element); this._init(options); }; // the options $monash.pwts = { // classes for the animation effects animationClasses: { classin: 'dl-animate-in-1', classout: 'dl-animate-out-1' }, // callback: click a link that has a sub menu // el is the link element (li); name is the level name onLevelClick: function (el, name) { return false; }, // callback: click a link that does not have a sub menu // el is the link element (li); ev is the event obj onLinkClick: function (el, ev) { return false; } }; $monash.pwype = { _init: function (options) { // options monash.pws = $.extend(true, {}, $monash.pwts, options); // cache some elements and initialize some variables this._config(); var animEndEventNames = { 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd', 'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd', 'msAnimation': 'MSAnimationEnd', 'animation': 'animationend' }, transEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd', 'transition': 'transitionend' }; // animation end event name monash.pwdEventName = animEndEventNames[monash.pwed('animation')] + '.dlmenu'; // transition end event name monash.pwndEventName = transEndEventNames[monash.pwed('transition')] + '.dlmenu', // support for css animations and css transitions monash.pwtAnimations = monash.pwmations, monash.pwtTransitions = monash.pwnsitions; this._initEvents(); }, _config: function () { var lang = "Tüm Ürünler"; if ($("meta[content='tr']").length) { lang = "Tüm Ürünler"; } else if ($("meta[content='en']").length) { lang = "All products"; } else if ($("meta[content='ar']").length) { lang = "جميع المنتجات"; } monash.pw = false; this.$trigger = this.$monash.pwen('.dl-trigger'); this.$menu = this.$monash.pwen('monash.pw-menu'); this.$menuitems = this.$monash.pw('li:not(.dl-back)'); this.$monash.pw('monash.pw-submenu').append('

  • ' + lang + '
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    oksabron ne için kullanılır patates yardımı başvurusu adana yüzme ihtisas spor kulübü izmit doğantepe satılık arsa bir örümceğin kaç bacağı vardır