yasak elma 137 bölüm izle / LG Nexus 5 - Melbourne Mobile Repair

Yasak Elma 137 Bölüm Izle

yasak elma 137 bölüm izle

what happned to the view thread

I went to Search, and being unimaginative, I typed in the word “search”, since I knew it would show up in my message in this thread. And my message did indeed show up as the first one in the choices, so I clicked on it. I saw “View Thread” at the top, and I chose it, and I saw everything in the thread.

There was one other thing I noticed when I chose the message I had posted, and I noticed it again when I did the following:

1. Went all the way back to the main message board page.

2. Chose “view thread” for this thread.

3. Chose the response option under your message to me.

What I noticed both times was that the list of “Messages in this thread:” did not include the title of the highest-level message, “what happned to the view thread”. Instead, all I saw was:

Messages in this thread:
· never mind – Lois Dec 8, 07:52 PM
· Not necessarily… – Iris Dec 8, 08:17 PM
· Iris, Please Pass on to Rob a Place Where View Thread is Needed – rslitman Dec 8, 09:46 PM
· I sent the information on to him… – Iris Dec 8, 09:49 PM
· No Hurry on This – rslitman Dec 8, 10:04 PM
· Like that? – Rob Dec 8, 10:13 PM

I think that the lack of the top-level message in such a display is what was bothering me in the first place. I had found an interesting message using Search and then couldn’t locate the message to which it was responding. View Thread is a good way to find this, so I was looking for that option, which you’ve now just added, but you may also want to look into why the top-level message title isn’t displaying in these two situations.

Thanks for the work you’ve done so far. I can almost forgive Iris, Jean, and Eydie for contracting this work out to a man. (I want to see more women involved in web work, and I had been happy that Iris at least seemed to be doing some work herself over the years.)

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