Site C0011A drilling dates Nankai / Dr. Angela L. Slagle - Staff Profiles - Columbia Climate School

Site C0011A drilling dates Nankai

Site C0011A drilling dates Nankai

The composition of the siltstones in the Boso samples was determined by X-ray powder diffraction Kameda et al. Detailed descriptions of the experimental results are given in the Additional file 1 of this paper. Measurements of the physical properties of sediments and rocks bulk density, P- and S-wave velocity, resistivity, porosity, magnetic susceptibility, and thermal conductivity were derived from wireline logs and core and cuttings materials. The total clay content ranges between Controls of tectonics and sediment source locations on along strike variations in transgressive deposits on the northern California margin. Following riser operations, the hole was cased and cemented in preparation for future observatory installation. Therefore, we may suspect that the reason for the high angles of internal friction may lie in the microfabric of the Boso rocks.

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