stop using dating sites and cold approach / Importance of Cold Approaching Women - Bulldog Mindset

stop using dating sites and cold approach

stop using dating sites and cold approach

Is she focusing on you or is she constantly checking her watch or her phone? You Might Also Like. View Larger Image. Frankie is a guy who went from socially-awkward high school virgin to popular college man after hitting the gym and befriending the foreign exchange students who threw the best parties. The problem with meeting a woman via social circle when she's attached - which the majority of amazing women you meet tend to be at any given time - is that you're either going to have to try to steal her from her boyfriend , which is very bad precedent for your own relationship with her if you get her, OR you're going to have to wait it out - but by the time she's done with him, whatever initial attraction she had for you has expired and she's probably relegated you to the friend zone as a valuable but not-sexual person in her life. The world is full of wonderful women; accept that it won't work with this one, and look for someone else. And the only likes you will get will be from girls you would steer clear from if you saw them on the street.

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