dave and barbara dating in the dark / Memories of David Foster Wallace. - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

dave and barbara dating in the dark

dave and barbara dating in the dark

When he opened his car door to get a road atlas, I saw his red bandanna in the back, and asked him if I could have it. But in terms of accuracy of assessment, there are no good measures scientifically to do this. My mom has been in this David Foster Wallace book group for years. Women more than men, prioritized good earning capacity, slightly older age, and the qualities associated with resource acquisition. She's quite happily partnered now, and not with me, but it's interesting — it's the first time I heard anyone spell it out that way as a list, almost like specific aims in a grant. Or if a puppy gets hit by a car or whatever, we feel compassion. The diner was a relief to us both.

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