what girl name means nerd / 40 Baby Names That Sound Geeky and Nerdy - An Everyday Story

what girl name means nerd

what girl name means nerd

Inspired by vintage geek culture, these names are perfect for parents who want to give their sons a classic and nerdy identity. You can also beef up the name with some of its variants: Finlay, Finley, Finian, Finnegan, and Finneas. It can be used either as a surname or as a given name. It makes a cool nerdy baby boy name because of its classic sound and association with the character Chester Cheetah, the iconic mascot for Cheetos snacks. The name was used for intelligent female characters in the Harry Potter and Artemis Foul universes. It makes a cool nerdy baby boy name because of its simple, straightforward sound and association with technology and innovation. Newsletter Sign Up.

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WHAT GIRL NAME MEANS NERD / janiceclark.net